How to Create Snake Game in Scratch


Step 1: Setting Up Your Project

  • Open Scratch: Go to the Scratch website and create a new project.
  • Rename Your Project: Click on the project title (usually "Untitled") and rename it to "Snake Game".
  • Step 2: Creating the Snake

    Drawing the Snake
    • Click on the "Choose a Sprite" button and select the "Paint" option.
    • Draw a simple square for the snake's.
    • Name this sprite "Snake".

    Step 3: Coding the Snake

    Movement and Control with Arrow Keys

    Step 4: Adding Food

    Drawing the Food Placing the Food Randomly

    Step 5: Growing the Snake

    Growing the Snake Increasing Length When Eating

    Step 6: Ending the Game

    Detecting Collision with Itself Game Over Message
    Game Over Message

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