How to Create Game Platformer in Scratch


Step 1: Setting Up Your Project

  • Open Scratch: Go to the Scratch website and create a new project.
  • Rename Your Project: Click on the project title (usually "Untitled") and rename it to "Platformer Game".

Step 2 : Create Your Character

  • Add a new sprite: Choose or draw a new sprite for your character. Name it "Player". 
  • Add costumes: If you want animations, add multiple costumes for walking and jumping.

Step 3: Create the Ground

  1. Add a new sprite: Choose or draw a sprite for the ground/platforms. Name it "Ground".
  2. Duplicate the ground sprite: Create multiple copies of the ground sprite to form the platforms.

Step 4: Coding the Player Movement

Step 5: Prevent the Player from Falling Through the Ground

Step 6: Add More Features

Step 7: Add Obstacles and Goals

Step 8: Refine Your Game

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